La première, la dernière, parfois //////

Exhibition in duo with Cendrine Genin, Galerie L’Antichambre, Chambéry

The starting point of the project was born from the desire to put in relation two glances, in their first intentions, premises of gestures or images. Through photography for Cendrine and painting and drawing for Anne-Laure.

Our exchange has chosen an epistolary form, that of the back and forth, which allows us to tame the daily life and not to suppose an ideal approach.This collaboration does not pretend to ‘know’ or ‘know’. The humanity of the proposal is contained within the subject, which seeks to surprise rather than to impose. We have chosen to call the first glance ’emergence’. The one that is posed on a ‘never seen’, ‘never felt’, therefore unique and first and that will prefigure the work to come. This first gesture, which is out of thought, out of control, faces the surge of the instant, the fulgurating of this first time that will not be anymore. It is not a question of acting but of contemplating.

To converse with the glance of the one and the other, it is to prolong the idea of the other without thinking it. The image is a ‘moment of the world’ that makes a trace, an imprint. During the process of transfer, the image materializes through the ink deposited on the surface of the matrix, then becomes incarnated in the shroud of the frame: the essence of the present moment. One touches the ‘ end ‘ of the image-movement, the third glance.


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