Laniakea #1

The title of the project, Laniakea, is borrowed from scientific vocabulary. It refers to a supercluster of galaxies that includes, among others, the Supercluster of Virgo, of which the Milky Way is a part. In Hawaiian, the term means “immeasurable paradise” or “immense celestial horizon”. It evokes the existence of a multitude of universes within the same entity. Laniakea is an exhibition project conceived as a biennial. Its goal is to present and promote the richness and diversity of contemporary practices and universes through different media. Each edition will thus be devoted to a distinct plastic medium: drawing, photography, painting, installation, video, printed image, etc.

Curators : Anne Malherbe et Bogdan Pavlovic

with : Yann BAGOT / Julien BENEYTON /Jean-Philippe BRUNAUD / Sylvain CIAVALDINI / Ayako DAVID-KAWAUCHI / Marielle DEGIOANNI / Sylvie DENET / Jessy DESHAIS /Cornelia EICHHORN / Sandrine ELBERG /Iris GALLAROTTI / Anne-Laure H-Blanc / Vladimir LALIC / Alexandre LEGER /
Christine MAIGNE / Elise MANSOT / Nelly MAUREL / Mihael MILUNOVIC / Jérôme MINARD  / Filip MIRAZOVIC  / Olivier MOREL / Hélène MUHEIM / Bogdan PAVLOVIC / Misko PAVLOVIC / Jean-Baptiste PERROT / Pascal PILLARD / Raphaël RENAUD / Sylvie SAUVAGEON / Christine SMILOVICI /

LANIAKEA #1 /drawing session/
du 25 février au 7 mars 2021
Opening / meetings with the artists :
samedi 27 février de 12h à 18h
dimanche 28 février de 12h à 18h

Espace Alfred Boucher / La Ruche
2, Passage Dantzig 75015 Paris
Metro 12 : station Convention / Bus 89 : station Morillon-Dantzig /
T3 station Georges Brassens
Ouvert tous les jours de 12h à 18h
Avec le concours de la Fondation La Ruche-Seydoux et de l’Association Alfred Boucher

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